Lotus Kalahari Smoked Salt
This smoked Gourmet Salt, is mined from an under-earthed lake in The Kalahari Desert, South Africa. This cleanest of salts is then cold-smoked over beechwood and the South African Rooibos schrub, using an ancient Danish tradition for 7 days to get its fine, smokey taste. The Kalahari Salt comes with an easy 90gr ceramic grinder.
This delicious smokey salt is perfect with meat, chicken, vegetables and eggs.
Nutrition Information per 100gr:
- Energy: 0.0kcal
- Total Fat: 0.0gr
- Saturated Fat 0.0gr
- Trans Fat 0.0gr
- Sodium: 48.9gr
- Total Carohydrates: 0.0gr
- Sugar: 0.0gr
- Protein: 0.0gr
- Calcuim: 0.0052gr
- Dietery Fiber: 0.0gr